User Stories
- As a user I want to add an app to an existing collection from the app details screen GitHub issue | spec for flow | spec for modal
- As a user I want to add an app to a new collection from the app details screen GitHub issue | spec for flow | spec for modal
- As a user I want to create a new collection from the "Collections" screen GitHub issue | spec for flow | spec for create collection screen
- As a user I want to see a warning if I try to save a collection without a name (required) spec
- As a user I want to be able to remove an app from a collection GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to be able to delete a collection GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to be able to customize the background of my collection graphic GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to be able to edit my avatar and display name that appears on the collection GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want a place where I can view all of my collections GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want an app wish list to store apps for later GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to be able to see stats on my collections (number of shares, upvotes and views) | spec
- As a user I want a dedicated place to view user collections on the Marketplace GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to be able to report a collection for abuse GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to view all of my collections on desktop GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to create a collection on desktop GitHub issue | spec
- As a user I want to view my collection on desktop spec
- As a user I want to edit a collection on desktop spec
- As a user I want a dedicated place to view user collections on the Marketplace on desktop spec
- As a user I want to view all of my collections on tablet spec
- As a user I want to create a collection on tablet spec
- As a user I want to view my collection on tablet spec
- As a user I want to edit a collection on tablet spec
- As a user I want a dedicated place to view user collection on the Marketplace on tablet. spec
Curation Tool
- As a curator I want to be able to view collections made by the community. spec
- As a curator I want to be able to publish user collections to the feed. spec