My Account → Collections

Lists collections that the user has created.


Collections Tab: Mobile
  1. Navigation
    The Collections tab can be accessed by selecting My Account (the user’s avatar), then selecting “Apps & Collections” menu item on the navigation bar. User navigates between Collections, Wishlist and My Apps by selecting different tabs.
  2. Create collection message
    • If user has not created a collection, show a message that reads “Create collections of your favourite apps! Share your collections with friends and the Marketplace community.”
    • If user has created at least one collection, do not show this message.
  3. Create a new collection button
    • If user has no collection, the button should appear below the message.
    • If user has at least one collection, the button should appear below the Collections/Wishlist/My Apps navigation tabs.
  4. List of Collections – What to Show?
    Collections should be sorted from the most recently created to the oldest.
  5. Statistics
    The collection creator should be able to view the stats for their collection. These stats include:
    • Number of shares the collection has received
    • Number of views the collection has received
    • Number of upvotes the collection has received
    WARNING: The interface to do this is not yet known. The mechanism to share his/her own collection is also unclear.
  6. Search bar
    • Only show search when user has created more than 3 collections.
    • Search should appear above the list of collections and below the Create a new collection button
    • The search box should appear just above the list of collections.


Collections, Wishlist & My Apps Screen: Desktop
Collections, Wishlist & My Apps Screen (coldstart): Desktop

On the desktop layout, collection is a section on a page that also contains wishlist and my apps.

  1. Navigation
    The Collections, Wishlist and My Apps page can be accessed by selecting My Account (or the user’s avatar), then selecting “Apps & Collections” from the popup menu.
  2. Page Title
    On the desktop layout, each section of the page has a title. User navigates between Collections, Wishlist and My Apps simply by scrolling down, not by selecting different tabs.
  3. Search bar
    Works exactly the same as the mobile layout, except it’s located to the side of (not below) the Create a new collection button.
  4. Create a new collection button
    The button should always appear on the same spot, regardless of how many collections the user has created.
  5. List of Collections – What to Show?
    • Order: Exactly the same as the mobile layout. Collections are listed from most recently created to oldest. However, it moves from left to right, top to bottom.
    • Quantity: Show up to 5 in one row.
    • Size of element: Each collection block is always 4 columns wide.
    • Horizontal scrolling control: Show right arrow control only after user has created more than 6 collections. This arrow should allow the user to scroll through the overflow content. Naturally, a left arrow will be displayed present after the user scrolls right.
    • Create collection message: Exactly the same as the mobile layout. Only show when user has not created a collection. If user has created at least one collection, do not show it.

Collections, Wishlist & My Apps Screen: Tablet

he can see so much more

On the desktop layout, collection is a section on a page that also contains wishlist and my apps.

  1. Search bar
    Works and is positioned exactly like the mobile layout: below the Create a new collection button.
  2. List of Collections – What to Show?
    • Order: Exactly the same as the mobile layout. Collections are listed from most recently created to oldest. However, it moves from left to right, top to bottom.
    • Quantity: Show up to 2 in one row. Show up to 4 at a time.
    • Horizontal scrolling control: Show right arrow control only after user has created more than 4 collections.

The rest of the features are exactly the same as the Desktop layout.