User Research

We conducted multiple usability studies of user collections on mobile and desktop.

User Collections Mobile Prototype 1

Study conducted on on December 18, 2013

Purpose of Study

Evaluate the experience and user understanding of creating a group of apps and sharing the group with the Marketplace community. The test will identify pain points with the user flow and usefulness of user collections. We also want to get feedback on potential names for the feature (collections, lists, etc.)

Prototype Tested

Click here to access prototype.

Key Takeaways

  • Flow of creating groups, adding an app to a group and sharing the group made sense to participants
  • People had difficulty disambiguating between “Share” and “Share with the Community”
  • Participants did not come up with a consistent name for the feature
  • Participants talked about this feature in regards to organising apps on their device

User Collections Desktop Prototype 1

Study conducted on on February 06, 2014

Purpose of Study

Evaluate the experience and user understanding of creating a group of apps and sharing the group with the Marketplace community on the desktop. The test will identify pain points with the user flow and discoverability of user collections. We also want to get feedback on potential names for the feature (collections, lists, etc.)

Prototype Tested

Click here to access prototype.

Key Takeaways

  • Flow of creating groups, adding an app to a group and sharing the group made sense to participants
  • People had difficulty finding the feature
  • Participants preferred the name “collections” for the feature
  • Participants had difficulty finding the bottom toolbar to make the list public

User Collections Viability Survey

Study to be conducted on July 2014. View research plan here.